Discover our rectangular mosaics, an exceptional offering within our wide range of mosaics.
Made up of a series of squares and rectangles, these mosaics form intricate patterns that contribute to a visually appealing design.
The 3D shapes are suitable for design walls for both interior and exterior spaces.
Bespoke tiles are produced using an artisanal technique that makes the material heterogeneous, both in surface effects and in the size of the pieces.
Material: porcelain stoneware | terracotta
Each tile is customized and made in Italy. Custom colors, textures, and effects are available.
Diamo forma alle idee di progettisti e designer per creare rivestimenti ceramici sartoriali: superfici uniche e distintive per la decorazione di interni commerciali, alberghieri e residenziali di lusso, e per il rivestimento di facciate esterne.